
Frequently Asked Questions about Purchasing Imported Products

The product is restricted and cannot be purchased from the original manufacturer

Due to regional sanctions, European and American products cannot be purchased directly through the original manufacturer's channels

No useful information can be found on the Internet

Customers cannot find useful information and suitable alternative products when searching online

The import process is complicated

The import process is too complicated and customers don’t know how to purchase products overseas.

After-sales service is not guaranteed

Goods come from multiple suppliers, and the repurchase rate is low, resulting in no guarantee of after-sales service

If you encounter any of the above problems, please contact us immediately.

Email: alan@hardfindchip.com
Whatsapp/Wechat/Skype: +86-19868644542

About Us

Professional import procurement services

HARD FIND CHIP LIMITED is affiliated to Chipslink International Limited. Through offices in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, it is committed to acting as an agent for customers to import the required electronic components , equipments and parts, making it easier for customers to purchase electronic components , equipments and parts to save money, time and worry.

Relying on China's mature industrial manufacturing environment and perfect logistics system, we integrate domestic and overseas electronic components, equipments and parts to meet customer procurement needs. Relying on high-quality local market resources and local negotiation advantages, we reduce procurement costs, ensure product quality, have worry-free after-sales, and provide timely feedback on any developments in procurement, making overseas procurement more cost-effective, time-saving, and worry-free for customers.

Professional Purchasing

More Cost-Effective

More Time-Saving

More Worry-Free

Our Features

Supplier Database

Find products through our local database of suppliers offering the best wholesale prices.

Price Negotiation

Through the understanding of local market and communication advantages, we can negotiate prices to obtain better prices.

Quality Assurance

Check the goods in time during the purchasing process to ensure their authenticity.

Packaging and transportation

Packing is carried out according to product characteristics to ensure safe and reliable transportation.