
What is chip connection technology?

2024-08-27 03:06:52

Chip interconnect technology refers to the technology of establishing efficient, stable and reliable communication between different chips or different functional modules inside the chip. As chip integration improves and performance improves, chip interconnect technology has become one of the key factors limiting system performance.

Classification and characteristics of technology

There are two main categories of chip bonding technology

1. On-chip connectivity:

This means that the different functional modules (such as processors, memory, input and output interfaces, etc.) are effectively connected to each other through special communication means inside the chip, rather than the connection between different functional modules inside the chip. achieve to complete the fast transfer of information. And joint work is a key link in chip design and fabrication, and has an important impact on chip performance and power consumption.

① Technical method:

On-chip interconnect mainly uses metal wires, via holes and other technologies to realize communication between different functional modules inside the chip. Metal wires are used to lay out circuit patterns on the surface of the chip, while vias are used to communicate between different metal layers. These lines are usually very small and can be arranged in complex circuit patterns on the surface of the chip to transmit electronic signals and electricity.

As technology advances, new technologies such as through-silicon vias (TSV) have also emerged, which can realize internal interconnects in the vertical direction of the chip and further improve the integration and performance.

②Main features:

High density: As the integration of chips increases, the density of on-chip connections also increases, and a large number of connection lines must be arranged in a limited chip area.

Low Latency: To ensure fast communication between different functional modules on-chip, the on-chip interconnect technology must achieve low-latency signal transmission.

Low power consumption: while ensuring performance, reducing power consumption is also necessary to increase the life of the chip.

2. Off-chip connectivity:

Through protrusions, chip soldering, wire bonding and other methods, the connections between different chips are realized to complete the rapid transfer of information and joint work. It is a key link in multi-chip systems such as SoC and SiP and has an important impact on the overall performance and reliability of the system.

①Technical method

Wire connection:

It is the first interconnect method developed that uses materials with good electrical properties (such as gold, silver, and copper) as wires to connect chips and substrates. This method is economical and reliable, but due to the long electrical path, it is not suitable for devices that need to operate at high speed.

Chip connection decal:

It eliminates the shortcomings of wire connection, shortens the length of the electrical path, and is suitable for high-speed work. Flip chip bonding can also create ridges on the entire side of the chip, allowing for more inputs and outputs (I/O), resulting in higher data processing speeds.

Via Silicon Via Transplantation (TSV):

By drilling holes on the chip and filling them with a conductive material such as metal to achieve a vertical connection, TSV technology allows many chips to be stacked on top of each other, further improving integration and performance.

Mixture link of small chips:

Like Chiplet technology, which separates each chip based on function and then re-connects them through packaging. This technology can reduce manufacturing costs and increase chip design flexibility.

In general, the technologies of intra-chip connection and intra-chip connection are responsible for the connection within and between chips, respectively, and have an important impact on the performance, power consumption, reliability, etc. of chips and systems. With the continuous development of technology and the continuous growth of application needs, on-chip interconnect and on-chip interconnect technologies are also continuously developing and innovating.